In a world that seems so big, sometimes I wonder how God sees me. In the midst of my small troubles compared to the larger ones in this world, sometimes I feel guilty asking God to see me through the insignificance of mine.
Anyone relate?
A few days ago I was thinking about what it means for the Lord to turn his face toward you; his countenance.
So often I read words and I realize that my definition of them are basically from the context around them. When reading the Bible I like to look up the meaning of words, like countenance, and learn the true definition.
Definition of countenance
1a: LOOK, EXPRESSION b: mental composure c: calm expression
especially : the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character
3: bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction : moral support
It reminded me of how often I make my children look at me when I am speaking to them, or when they speak to me. Eye contact is so important! It shows respect, it allows for a connection beyond just words.
God spoke to Moses and gave him a specific blessing to speak over the Israelites, one that acknowledges the importance of his countenance in our lives; especially during times of hardship, times that we can look back on and remember. (Numbers 6)
In Psalm 77 Asaph gives us such a relatable moment. One that makes me say “Yea! I feel you!” He’s so troubled that he doesn’t even have the words to pray. He wonders if God is even listening! Then, he remembers all God has done; all the miracles and all the promises. Miracles that were likely witnessed because of the encouragement from that blessing.
So I share all of this to say,
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
There is no problem too big or too small, just remember all He has already done. ❤️
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