Acceptance and change.

Let me just start by saying that I am an evangelical, non-denominational, Christian.  I believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. I believe that God created all things. I believe that salvation is a gift from God, obtained by our personal faith in Jesus and his sacrifice for our sin. I believe that the single most important thing in life is to have a relationship with my Heavenly Father, and I believe that we are ALL given a chance to have this relationship. I do believe with all of my heart in Heaven, hell, satan and the return of Jesus Christ. 

With that being said, we are all on different walks and paths with and to Jesus... but it is all based on the TRUTHS above. I am still learning, I don't feel like I will and can ever learn enough. But, we must take what we learn and apply it to our lives the BEST that we can. Its impossible to do without an intimate relationship with Jesus. Don't be taken back by that statement. Yes, I said INTIMATE.. that can be emotional. You can not be in a relationship with someone without persona,l emotional intimacy... at least not a healthy, fulfilling one. Ladies and Gentleman, I am not going to lie, it takes work to put God first! Just like any relationship you cannot sit back and let the other person do all of the work, that's not a relationship at all. Its up to YOU, ultimately to make that relationship. Also, you always hear that relationships are 50/50, I disagree. I feel that it is 100/100.  The Lord is already there and waiting, hes there, no doubt about that! That is why you are here! Look at you, look at the beauty in the world around you. That is all HIM! He has given you all that you need to have eternal life. Once you open your MIND, HEART, and SOUL up to Him... eternal life in Heaven is yours for the taking. That part is easy, the committing. Its the relationship that takes the work. 

Think of it like a Father/Child relationship. He is your heavenly Father. He loves you as a child. He watches you grow, teaches, guides, disciplines, loves you. But most importantly I think he expects MORE from us, just as our parents do. Do you remember how important your parents opinion was of you when you were younger? Or how you felt when you disappointed them, made them sad... forsake them? Once you make the choice to live for Him, you must keep this in mind.

So, you truly and full-heatedly gave your life to the Lord. (GO you!) This doesn't mean that the enemy isn't there and waiting to create chaos in your life. Although you are born again, there is still temptation. But, there is also conviction. 

-Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Cor 5:17-  

Jesus is in your heart, and he is there forever. Nothing you can do will change that. When you are tempted by the enemy to sin, which... you WILL, you will feel conviction in your heart from the Holy Spirit. Good news? You are already forgiven! I remember not too long ago, I still looked at a few things as harmless. I didn't care if it wasn't "right" or "not Christian like". I remember questioning myself, had I really FULLY committed that day that I gave my life to the Lord?   I knew what I said, how I felt and what I meant... and really meant it. But, why was I still careless about doing these things? They are harmless right? Drinking, foul language, careless talking, seeing a silly movie that might have bad language, a sex scene or two, maybe even demonic reference... I'm an adult. I can handle it. The Lord knows me and my intentions. I'm not a "bad person". 
Then, I came across this verse:

-Examine yourselves, to see weather you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ lives in you? --Unless indeed you fail to meet the test!  2 Cor 13:5-

There it was, conviction.
 I felt bad about it. Was that word really necessary in that conversation? Did I really have to laugh at someones expense? Even silly questions like, Would I see that movie with Jesus? BAH! All of my answers were, no. So I looked at my life. I wanted to be someone that others could say, "I've never heard her talk bad about anyone, use a cuss-word, dis-honor her husband...", I wanted to be a good friend, trustworthy, helpful to others, a good role model. I don't seek to be perfect, that will never happen, I just simply want to know that I honestly try to be the best person I can possibly be. 

-No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. - 1 John 3:6

So the point is, once you make the choice to become a Christian. You cannot stop there. It is a relationship that you must take part in. Pray, learn, teach, share, ask questions, help others, make life changes, have humility, grace, compassion, mercy, live by faith. Your spirit will long for it once you allow Jesus into your heart. After all, you were created in God's image. Treat your life like a beautiful garden. You have dedicated your life to the Lord, acknowledging him as your creator and Savior. Just as gardens take precious, countless hours to maintain. You must take time everyday to water, feed, provide light, pull weeds.  Think of sin like weeds. You've planted your "garden" (aka Jesus) in your heart the day you accepted him. Now, without maintenance (sometimes its hard!) and constant care taking of that garden, weeds will grow. The beauty is still there, but when you look closely... you will notice all of those ugly weeds. Soon they will overtake. The "garden" is still there, and there is beauty in it... but weeds have began to take over. This is like your life. Sin can take over, but it takes constant work to choose to maintain it. Soon, after time, the weeds will stop producing. Their roots will die. Only THEN will you truly start to know the Lord. Also, I might add that what you SAY and what you DO are totally different. You cannot SAY that you are a Christian and not actively pursue God. Once you accept him, your spirit is changed. Your heart is changed.

-Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2-

So challenge yourself to be better than you were yesterday. Take small steps to make big changes. I hope that you learned something from this, I know I did! God is amazing and is always working in us!!!

If you struggle in the idea that all of this is the TRUTH, I challenge you to give Jesus a chance. Take a look at your life and ask yourself if things could be better. Do not be afraid to reach out, ask questions. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed.I can't tell you how many "silly" questions I still ask, and much I still don't know. Lets live ABUNDANTLY!
